Friday, December 7, 2012

A little more than Fitness Friday

Hey y'all! 

I know I have been MIA for a couple weeks, I have been sick with a mix of lazy and busy in there. How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was great! My brother and very pregnant sister-in-law came over! She is ADORBS and I can NOT wait to meet baby Travis in the next month!  
It's only a few more weeks until Christmas, can you believe it? This year is flying by. Lets hope the world doesn't end on the 21st, I have way too many things I want to do!

Lets start off with some Fitness Friday, shall we?

 Have you been keeping up on your workouts? I will not lie and say I was, because I wasn't. But, I have been getting back into the swing of things. I may even stop eating meat again. I feel like that has been making me sick. Hard to do when your entire house is full of carnivores. Anyways, I hope that you all have been working your little butts off for me!! 

 Seeing as how I don't want to world to end, I should probably tell you why right? Well, I have been looking into schools to get a little more cake/baking knowledge under my belt. I am mostly self taught but I feel as though I could take some classes to freshen up my skills. Johnson and Wales looks like the best option right now, even if it is to take a couple classes. I really want to start getting my home based business underway and building clientele. High hopes for 2013!!

And now something a little near and dear to my heart- makeup!  

I may have said it before, but just to clarify I will say it again. I am OBSESSED with makeup! Have been ever since I was a little girl. When I was little my mom would catch me watching her as she applied her makeup ever so carefully. She would also then catch me in the bathroom putting it on myself when she wasn't looking! Because of this, my parents started buying me baskets and boxes full of every kind of makeup imaginable for Christmas every year. { They are not  fully aware my obsession might have stemmed from that :) }. Even when I first started working all my money went to makeup and shoes. I am also heavily shoe obsessed, but that is a whole other post! HEY, I am only human, and female!! 

A while ago I had been on the hunt for some really nice makeup palettes. I was looking all over and found this great little website. They have sooo much makeup and it is cheap. I know that us girls don't like to buy makeup that is on the cheaper side for fear it is going to really stink. But let me tell you, this makeup is not. I was, like any first timer to the site, nervous as to the quality I was going to get. The quality is really good for the price. I also love the fact that I can buy it at Target!

Let me just state that I am in no way saying you shouldn't be buying expensive makeup. I would love to purchase all of my makeup at Sephora or Macy's, but for me that just isn't feasible right now, therefor I will find the best deals I can. 

 My order was only $24.95 for everything. Here is a picture of everything I bought:

Can you believe I got all of this for under $25? Amazing huh?! Since buying these a while back, I have picked up a lot few more palettes from them and even some of their Chrismas/Holiday palettes, lip glosses, high definition powder, brushes and smaller powder compacts. I usually stick with my MAC or Sigma brushes, but the ELF ones are very good too! All of my liquid makeup comes from Maybelline or Cover Girl, I don't have a preference. I just had to buy a big set of drawers to store all of my makeup in. Oops!

 But, I digress! The makeup itself is incredible. It is such good quality. Before I had pledged to sleeping naked I used to fall asleep occasionally with my makeup on. When I would wake in the morning my eye makeup would be the same as it was the night before. Can you say staying power! I don't condone sleeping with your makeup on so be sure to take it off every night ladies!  Why don't you just head over to this little website and pick yourself up some makeup!! You wont be disappointed, I promise!! Until next time!
