Friday, December 7, 2012

A little more than Fitness Friday

Hey y'all! 

I know I have been MIA for a couple weeks, I have been sick with a mix of lazy and busy in there. How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was great! My brother and very pregnant sister-in-law came over! She is ADORBS and I can NOT wait to meet baby Travis in the next month!  
It's only a few more weeks until Christmas, can you believe it? This year is flying by. Lets hope the world doesn't end on the 21st, I have way too many things I want to do!

Lets start off with some Fitness Friday, shall we?

 Have you been keeping up on your workouts? I will not lie and say I was, because I wasn't. But, I have been getting back into the swing of things. I may even stop eating meat again. I feel like that has been making me sick. Hard to do when your entire house is full of carnivores. Anyways, I hope that you all have been working your little butts off for me!! 

 Seeing as how I don't want to world to end, I should probably tell you why right? Well, I have been looking into schools to get a little more cake/baking knowledge under my belt. I am mostly self taught but I feel as though I could take some classes to freshen up my skills. Johnson and Wales looks like the best option right now, even if it is to take a couple classes. I really want to start getting my home based business underway and building clientele. High hopes for 2013!!

And now something a little near and dear to my heart- makeup!  

I may have said it before, but just to clarify I will say it again. I am OBSESSED with makeup! Have been ever since I was a little girl. When I was little my mom would catch me watching her as she applied her makeup ever so carefully. She would also then catch me in the bathroom putting it on myself when she wasn't looking! Because of this, my parents started buying me baskets and boxes full of every kind of makeup imaginable for Christmas every year. { They are not  fully aware my obsession might have stemmed from that :) }. Even when I first started working all my money went to makeup and shoes. I am also heavily shoe obsessed, but that is a whole other post! HEY, I am only human, and female!! 

A while ago I had been on the hunt for some really nice makeup palettes. I was looking all over and found this great little website. They have sooo much makeup and it is cheap. I know that us girls don't like to buy makeup that is on the cheaper side for fear it is going to really stink. But let me tell you, this makeup is not. I was, like any first timer to the site, nervous as to the quality I was going to get. The quality is really good for the price. I also love the fact that I can buy it at Target!

Let me just state that I am in no way saying you shouldn't be buying expensive makeup. I would love to purchase all of my makeup at Sephora or Macy's, but for me that just isn't feasible right now, therefor I will find the best deals I can. 

 My order was only $24.95 for everything. Here is a picture of everything I bought:

Can you believe I got all of this for under $25? Amazing huh?! Since buying these a while back, I have picked up a lot few more palettes from them and even some of their Chrismas/Holiday palettes, lip glosses, high definition powder, brushes and smaller powder compacts. I usually stick with my MAC or Sigma brushes, but the ELF ones are very good too! All of my liquid makeup comes from Maybelline or Cover Girl, I don't have a preference. I just had to buy a big set of drawers to store all of my makeup in. Oops!

 But, I digress! The makeup itself is incredible. It is such good quality. Before I had pledged to sleeping naked I used to fall asleep occasionally with my makeup on. When I would wake in the morning my eye makeup would be the same as it was the night before. Can you say staying power! I don't condone sleeping with your makeup on so be sure to take it off every night ladies!  Why don't you just head over to this little website and pick yourself up some makeup!! You wont be disappointed, I promise!! Until next time!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Gobble Gobble

Hey there everyone!

Is it the day before Thanksgiving already? Geesh.
It feels like Summer was just last month. 

Anyway, I just wanted to wish everyone a very happy and safe Thanksgiving. 

I can't wait to eat some turkey and stuffing!! :)


Friday, November 16, 2012

Fitness Friday

Happy Friday everyone!!!

Woohoo for it being Friday again!! And it's Fitness Friday!!

Have you been working out?

I did this fancy workout last night!

Only I omitted the jogging because I also did the Cardio Axe video of my Brazil Butt Lift workout. Let me tell you, I worked out so hard that I almost threw up. I don't know if that is necessarily a good thing, but I like knowing I pushed myself hard.

On to other news

Since it's Friday, what lovely plans do you have for the weekend? Tonight my friend Johnna and I have a serious date with Edward and Jacob! Let me tell you, I can NOT wait to see this movie! It looks so good y'all!

Tell me this isn't appealing!!

Oh HI abs Jacob. I'm Shawna. Can we play?!

Seeing as it's nearing Thanksgiving, my family and I are going up to Plymouth Plantations for the day tomorrow. I have never been, so I'll be sure to take some pictures. It should be a fun day!!

I hope that whatever you decide to do this weekend, you make sure to have fun! Until next time!!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Hey everyone! 

In lieu of Wordless Wednesday, a few things that made me LOL!

 The above one is for Ash! :)

 I love this!

 And lastly,

Until next time!!


Friday, November 9, 2012

Fitness Fridays & Sleeping Naked

Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA, just been super busy with work lately.

Today is Fitness Friday again! 

Have you been working out? I fell off the wagon a bit, but started up again this week. These Brazil Butt Lift videos are killer. I wake up everyone morning with a sore tush and thighs. I guess that just means it is working and I am on my way to a new bum! Woo hoo! 

I found this Holiday Workout from the ladies of Tone It Up

These women are just fantastical and their workouts are awesome. Plus, they're super HOT! I have been wanting to get the plan for ages and it is now on my Christmas list (Ahem, Momma- hint hint)! I think I will incorporate this workout into the one I am currently doing to get more cardio. If you haven't already, head over to their website and check them out!!!

Now on to more important stuff- sleeping naked! Ladies, I don't mean sleeping without clothes on. I mean sleeping without your makeup on.


It is so very important to make sure you are taking off all your makeup every night before bed. Whether it's using a makeup remover towelette or a facial cleanser, just be sure you are sleeping naked. There are 5 major reason why you have to make this a must. via

1. Dirty Pillow Cases- going to sleep with your make up on will probably get your pillow smudged with mascara and foundation. Well, the stains are only aesthetic, but they are not the problem. Rather, those makeup stains on your pillow become a platform for bacteria growth. The bacteria growing on your pillow will infect your skin and cause breakouts, blemishes, and even acne. 

2. Letting Your Skin Breath- clogged pores are one of the main causes for skin imperfections. In addition, during the night time the skin repairs itself, so it needs all the oxygen it can get to do so. Sleeping with your make-up on denies your skin from oxygen, preventing it from self-repairing, thus causing a dull and dry looking skin.

3. Sleeping Yourself Young- a good night's sleep is very important to your anti-aging skin care routine. While you sleep, your skin is also resting and regenerating.Always follow up your cleansing with a hydrating facial cream.

4. Free Radicals- your make-up absorbed lots of pollution, dirt, and residues from the environment during the day. Removing your make-up before you go to sleep means that you are washing away all that pollution and free radicals that cling to your skin and are harmful to your skin's health. Free radicals can make your skin age faster and cause cellular damage.

5. Taking Care Of Your Eyes- remember to remove your make-up at the end of the day if you care about the area around your eyes. This area consists of a very delicate skin that can get easily dehydrated. Dry skin is more prone to wrinkles, and can lead to premature aging. 

I recommend Biore Makeup remover Towelettes for removing makeup. They are only $6.27 at Walmart!

I also recommend Olay's Night of Olay Firming Cream. Only $6.47 at Walmart!

$12 a month isn't bad when you think about it. You are saving your face so much. I know you ladies like to stay out late drinking your fancy martinis and wine, and would rather just go to bed than to take makeup off when you get home. I know, I have done it myself. Many times. But I am taking a pledge to Sleep Naked every night. Come take that pledge with me!! Until next time!


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Current Loves!

Hey everyone!! 

Today I am going to share some of my current favorites with you! I will be posting about my weekend later tonight, but thought I would share this with you now! So here goes!

I am a huge fan of blush. I feel like it completes your makeup look. This Blush is a dupe of NARS Orgasm blush, which I love. I don't however love the $28 price tag. The Elf blush is only $3 and can be found either online or at your local Target. If you don't mind the price tag of NARS, you can pick yours up here. I'm a little cheap, so I will stick with the Elf one!

I received a sample of this perfume in my September Birchbox and instantly fell in love. I wore it everyday and was sad when it only lasted me 4 days, being it was only .05oz. I went to the Kate Spade website and saw the full size (3.4oz) was $80. I have never spent that much money on, well, anything before and thought it was a bit steep. I then searched for a coupon, and found one for 30% off my purchase. My total came to $64 after shipping. I think that is a much more reasonable price tag! Pick yours up, but be sure to use a coupon. I googled "Kate Spade coupons" to find mine.

If you know me, you know that I live in leggings. I have about 6 pairs of these and I LOVE them!! They are a staple in most any girls closet. I can wear these with heels and a fancy shmancy top, or I can wear them to the gym with sneakers, they are THAT versatile. I purchase mine from Walmart and they are only $8. I couldn't find them on the Walmart website, so I linked them to the Danskin Now website. I have to say these are the most comfortable leggins I have ever owned. I love that it has a wide waist band at the top. It doesn't make me look like I have a muffin top like most other leggins do. That is a big NO NO for me! I recommend these to anyone looking for a great pair of leggings.

4. Cool Gear 24oz Chiller 

I drink a lot of water. When I say a lot of water, I mean A LOT of water. Like more than 150oz a day. Since I drink so much, I need to have a tumbler that I can carry around, rather than use plastic bottles all the time. I bought this one at Walmart for $5 I believe, and I absolutely love it! It holds 24oz of water and all I have to do is unscrew the top to refill it. Simple, easy and it's my favorite color! Pick yourself up a reusable cup/tumbler to cut down on plastic use. 

5. Elf Shimmering Facial Whip

This is another Elf product that I love. This Shimmer Whip is a dupe for Benefit's High Beam. It gives you shimmery glowing look. I use this on my cheek bones, as well as the bridge of my nose and my cupids bow. Benefit cost $26, while Elf cost a whopping $1. You can get Elf products online or at your local Target. If you want to get your hands on Benefit High Beam follow the link here.


6. Mainstays Fresh Baked Cookies

This is my go to candle for fall. It smells so delicious and is only $5 from Walmart. The fragrance isn't overwhelming, but does disperse very well, easily filling any room in your home or office. I keep this on my desk at work, and it is such a great scent for fall. Whats better than the smell of freshly baked cookies? I'm not sure many smells can top that!

So there you have it, a few of my current loves. I hope you stay tuned for some weekend fun updates! See you soon!


Friday, October 26, 2012

Fitness Fridays

Hey Everyone! I am starting a Fitness Friday trend, one which I will post about every Friday. Most of you already know what is happening in my life, if not we will save that for another post (the day my left eye stops twitching), and I thought what better time than now to get in touch with my inner self and start to live a better lifestyle. That includes fitness.

I started the Brazil Butt Lift by Beachbody 3 days ago as well as eating clean. It has been tough with the whole eating clean, but I am trying really hard to stick with it. The workout is for 60 days and is supposed to shapen and tone your bum. I have a flat butt, so I def need this workout. I took before photos, but those wont be on the internet until the 60 mark, if at all. I weighed myself and I was at 123 on Tuesday so we will see how I am progressing with that. I don't think I need to lose weight, but I do need to tone up. Its just nice to have a starting point.

So I hope that you stay tuned every Friday to see my progress and maybe even link up with me on here. I will be talking about anything fitness and healthy eating. See you soon!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

In a Minor State of Nostalgia

For just a moment, hopefully a long one, a jog down Memory Lane.

It's difficult for me to fathom that almost 16 years have passed since the days when trying new recipes on our Easy Bake Ovens and playing endless MASH games were daily priorities of my friends and mine. Our primary concerns were determining which friend got to "be" Baby or Posh Spice, which boy was the cutest, who would be joining the town cheerleading team in the summer and who would be the first to have a bra.

A few other things that came to me, for the record,
-Disney movies (Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Lion King, Aladdin, and 101 Dalmations, top 5)
-Backstreet Boys/N'sync/Spice Girls/LFO/Hanson
-Nerf Footballs, Barbies, Pokemon, Pogs, Furbys, Nintendo, Gigapets
-Playing Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles, Donkey Kong, Pokemon and Pogs with my brothers
-Being a proud member of West Warwick Cheerleading Team and seeing who got to yell the cutest players name and number out, I always got my brothers :(
-Fantasy syncronized swimming in gram's pool
-The Maise Quinn grass at recess trying to build that ultimate cheerleading pyramid
-The Horgan playground after school (the metal enclosed slides, the bridge, the parallel bar that Cheryl always used because she was a gymnast, the "big" swings, the splinters)
-Going to Roller Magic and playing spin the bottle
-Putting on gymnastic "shows" after school, even though we only did cartwheels and forward rolls
-Snapping each others bra in Mr. Driscoll's science class, and actually breaking Vanessa's
-Those MASH games that determined if you were to be poor and have 30 kids or not
-Going to Gelina's in Coventry to get ice cream was such a treat
-Getting voted student of the month wasn't such a nerdy thing, it was cool

Being a kid was awesome, that's the long and short of it. You didn't care how much the heating bill was, who the President was, or when taxes were due. All you cared about was waiting at the lunch table to see if you got that lucky sticker under your tray, how many books you could add to your list to get free pizza at Pizza Hut (without actually reading the books), and when you were going to get to go on a field trip.

We all have so many memories of our childhood and when you get to thinking about it, it can quickly become overwhelming. At the same time, while we retain so many stories from the past, there is also so much that doesn't come back to you.

Sometimes I wish we had the capacity to remember every single thing that has ever happened or will happen in our lifetime. It would be cool to see software developed in the future that can be installed into our brains at birth and act as a storage space, like a drive on a computer, i.e : Life of Shawna Marie Spencer

Life of Shawna Marie Spencer:\Childhood\1997\September\Saturday the 24th\12:25:45 pm

You would probably find in that folder the memory of my mother, my step father and myself driving in his red and white Chevy Bronco, windows down, to The Big Y in Connecticut just because. You would find me in the backseat staring endlessly at the beauty outside, the trees, the grass, the blue sky and the big white puffy clouds. We would just drive there, using all the back roads of course, walk around for a while, and drive back home. We wouldn't even purchase anything. Oh how I miss those Saturday drives. Things were a lot simpler then.

Me being me, and thinking the world is going to end tomorrow, I feel as though the government has already prototyped these instruments and are using them on our soldiers. Oy vey.

OK, this is the point where I stop my rambling and call this a blog post! Let's make a toast to all of our childhood memories, to the one's we'll never forget! 


Friday, October 19, 2012

Welcome Back!

Hey all! I just wanted to take a second to welcome myself back to the blogging world. It has been a long while since I wrote last and I have decided that I would start fresh. Even made a brandy new blog title. Please excuse the lack of information available, as I am still in the process of making my layout. Be sure to stay tuned for lots of good posts and updates coming soon!! 

Talk to you soon!!
